So what has happened to me so far? Well first with school! I have been helping in all of my English class(es) -4 maybe -for my graduation project in America. If I do not do this project I can not graduate . . . bummer . . . So I am helping Italians PROPERLY learn English. They all need a helping hand! Mostly with speaking it in one fluid sentence! My english must be getting worse when all I hear are sentences like, "I go America when finish school. I no speak English, sorry" :) Its sooo adorable! So Yes this must be fixed!
Also with school, some of my classmates left for Belgium today! They are going for a one week exchange! GOOD LUCK! Also with Interculteral I am leaving for Salerno tomorrow morning for 4 days for an orientation with Celestina (Australian) and Noriko (Japenese). We are all excited to see more of this GORGOUS place!!!
Speaking of gorgous, I went to get my residence permit so I wont be kicked out of Europe! The place I had to go was in Catanzaro! It is a city of 100,000+ people and it is split in half. Yea, what? I really mean this city is on 2 mountains and bridges connect the city together! In between the mountains I hear is a form of water. (river, lack, ocean I do not know) BUT I do know the ocean is so close, it could be that! I wish I got pictures but I did not think I would need my camera! Stupid, stupid, stupid! I really should bring that every where! I really can not even dojustice to this city without a picture!
Well I have also gone and had a picnic with my host family! The place was in the mountains and it was nice to get out! The place was oddly almost infested with dogs, they were everywhere! I felt a little bad thou being a dog lover and having to ignore them all! I wanted to pet them, but my host family practically tackled me screaming that they are wild vicious animals that will bite your (insert body part) off! While I sat there like, "Their just dogs and so cute and tame!"
Well I think thats all that was note-worthy! Now I can finish with - my American family is doing great though! It is weird it seems like now all of my sister have boyfriends while I sit in Italy dreaming! ;-) Well I do understand why, I dont speak their language! But a girl can hope right?
I also will be getting my phone back soon! Long story short, the day before my exchange started I dropped it on the street. The screen broke miserably, so I have had to wait to let it get fixed! I also will have less boring posts then because I LOVE PICTURES! They do speak 1000 words for me! Also less time typing and you the reader gets to see some color! Win - Win!
I have got to go pack now! So till next time, thanks for reading this! Ciao!
| § | XOXO Brystal | § |
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