What is it like being Abroad Brystal? This is something I get asked A LOT! From Americans and Italians. I want to enlighten you all at once. It is amazing, and I will never give this up for anything. I know now that I am doing something people just do not do.
Going abroad is not easy, but after awhile it feels like home. I constantly think I lived here forever and I just forgot the language or something. It could happen I suppose. Now this seems strange but, letting yourself leave for 1 year is nothing. Really I will only be gone 10 months and I start my 4th today. I am almost done. I just do not want to be done, I know that AFS (interculteral) gave me a once in a lifetime opportunity! Crazy right?
Now I think you should spend 5 minutes if your from the States and read this. (Or my suggestion click the middle link) This was a link from the AFS America page and I felt like it was to ridiculous not to read. I was so shocked by the things I found
Yea read the link and look at the picture!
Mappingthenation.net - I do not know if this with turn into a link LOL! But it is....
Now if you plan on going abroad ever, just do it. That's my best advice, don't think to much about the negatives like missing school or exams. You can do those anytime. Think about how this will benefit YOU! Your family, and every person you meet! I should know, I feel like I have meet thousands of new people. Also it looks great for Colleges! People want to hire smarter people who are multiculteral!
Even if you are not American, think about traveling abroad. It's a tiny world and you should see it all! What better way then living somewhere new?
This was inspired by International Volunteer (AFS) day.... Which is today December 5th! :)
Hope you become inspired to do something amazing in your life also! Good luck!!!
| § | XOXO Brystal | § |
I know they are not great pictures (but check the link they are all there!)
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