To all my readers, I went on Saturday to see the Carnivale. Normally many people get dressed up and join also! So of course, being as I am a Drama Club student in America, I found a way to get colorful! (Which mind me, is much harder then you think. I did not exactly remember to put on my list before coming to Italy - carnivale clothes) Really what that means is you go through your clothes and then find the most ridiculous match possible. Something you would only wear to school or around town if that was the only thing clean left. My rundown will be short. I had on earlier in the day some black pants, so I kept them on and put on black sparkly shorts overtop. Then I put on a t-shirt and my green blazer that I have not worn yet in Italy :( It goes on the list of impratical things I did not need. (Which I really have a lot! Really it is only the grown ups here that look spot on fashion, the kids still look good, but it just is different.) Nextly, I put on my acessories! <3 Which pretty much included everything I brought to Italy also, I was going for the crazy lady in the Titanic movie that worn all her jewlary. *Always* Also some animal ears to make my outfit finished. I did see some strange costumes also at this parade!
Now I had a gang of about 6 other people go too. Walter the old host brother of Celeste, Emi, Giorgina, Nonia, Glenn, and then Walter's friend. The girls all got dolled up and we did our carnivale makeup. I was incharge of Mine, Glenn's, Nonia's, and Walter's. I think we all looked killer. As I only had an hour to do them all.
ANYWAY! That was all the getting ready part, but at the Carnivale itself, we had tons of fun! We saw floats of the Simsons, of Frozen, of polital guys, of strippers and more! It was like one big street fair, and it had everyones attention! I think pictures at this point will be better to explain my Carnivale experience in Italy.
Till next time readers! *Really you all should go abroad! It is the best thing ever!*
XOXO | § | Brystal | § |
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