
Monday, December 30, 2013

Santa Clause Came to Town!

        Well it's not a complete surprise I am a few days late writting this. I think that it being a Christmas / New Years break gives me a free card! So I hope your special Santa brought you something worth while! Or... If not, I hope you had a fantastic day!

        Moving on! Now Christmas is such a joyful time of the year... Meaning I love it! Yes, even if I was bounced between host families, it still is one of the best I will ever have! Gosh really, how many can I have in Italy? Unless I move here for sure, this might be the last one!
        Now yes, I had a temporary host family for a week which was super amazing. I mean perfection really, I loved them to death! It helped it was a family I knew and a friend I loved. <3  I got to speak some intense Italian and teach English outside of school for once! I also got to play board games like Clue and Monopoly and Tumbla (like bingo..) if I spelled it right! So no judging! It is an Italian word I will only hear during Christmas season's!

        Now when I left their house on the 28th (aka the sisters b-day!) Buon compleanno!!! I also heard the grandmother cried that I left... How adorable! She was cool, she was so lively, reminded me of my grandmother who is the same way!

        Now the crazy thing I totally did not expect was the presents they got me! They did not have to get me anything! But... Of course they are sweet at heart! The other grandmother made me, yes made me a poncho and a hat! I can totally say "made in Italy" for those! I love it so much, I am going to learn how to make it.... Really isn't the saying, "Give a man a fish and he can eat for one day, or teach a man to fish and he can eat forever.." I can see how it is true....! Emi got me pretty earrings also, orange and all. Reminds me of a pair my sister has in the US!  .  . The parents got me a cute heart necklace that means the world to me, they will never know... It shows someone cared enough to find it specially for me. I will wear it as often as possible! My goal is to keep it always!

        Now other important things I did with them includes going to Emi's and her sisters practice for gymnastics! Amazing thats all you can say when they are throwing themselves around the building. Or better yet, where can I learn! While you stare at the place they are learning and you go ahead and think, humm first level please??? Or baby level, what about help me be flexible first? Yea, I would break in half quicker then toast likes to crumble....

        I should mention I won clue 1 time and out of every time I always always ended up being the killer. How is that possible? I hope it doesn't mean anything! ... Strange....

        Now this was with my second host family <3 but soon I will tell you all about my real host families Christmas (Natale) a different time. Feels like it needs to be separate. Still really TODAY is the last day of 2013! (As I write this at 1 in the morning...) So Happy New Year!!! Kinda ...Few more hours to go, but I am super excited! I get to spend 2014 in Italy also, that's just about the most stunning thing a person can do....

        With love, I hope your thinking of a New Years Resolution! (Has to be good!) - I am thinking, lay off of the PASTA before I return to america looking like some over stuffed bird. Which might happen....

| § | XOXO Brystal | § |
P.S.    The picture Of Emi and I includes the neaklace and poncho!**

Sunday, December 22, 2013

My December Love

        December is the time of the year that you put on your snuggly PJs and sit by the fire drinking hot cocoa with marshmallows! Or you go out and you have an excuse to look all winter ready in fur and sweaters. December is a time for love and I should confess mine....

        But first before I do, you should be prepared with the thought that going abroad has made me open my eyes to everything! Why not this also? Ok I am totally in love with Italian weather! The weather here is at least 20 degrees warmer then in Pennsylvania USA! I would normally see snow and be unbearably cold, to where you do not even want to change in the morning. Now in Italy, there is some cold days, but they are still nice, like a cold Fall evening or something similar!

        I do not have to constantly remember my gloves, hat, or scarf! Plus my winter jacket is really light! So it is perfect! Should I also mention that all the trees are green still, not even a dull green but green. Beautiful!
Now I know some of you were actually wondering who I liked right? Well I will say that Italian guys are all adorable in some way or another. Even if it is just the Italian accent on English words. I do have a crush though, who would not if you went abroad? But my lips are sealed! No names, you will just have to guess the most Italian sounding names! ;-)  

        Anyway! So what have I been up to in December lately? Well first off I should talk about my Christmas Holiday. . . .So I will not be spending it with my host family. Instead I will spend it with my bestie Emi! :-) Now she is cool and speaks English, and is like a flexable ruler! She can go into any pose, score one for you girl! Her lovely family decided to take me in for 1 week, and I will forever be grateful! Christmas in Italy is a family time, and I feel like I will be intruding still, so pray I will do alright!

        My family are all going separate ways. My host dad Pietro will be going to Rome for work. My host mom Annamaria and Maria my sister will go to Napels. My host brother Attilio will go to his GF's house. :) Have fun all of you!

        What else have I been doing? Well I went to 2 different Christmas parties! let me tell you one thing, Italians party like American's! The only difference was not so much "grinding" and "butt-rubbing" but more of a "Lets invade your personal space in a different way" thing. For example I went to a large party yesterday and there was a group of guys who had a goal of just dancing behind people even if they did not know each other. WEIRD DUDES! So yes, when they came around I let someone else take my spot ;-) The other party was on Friday the say before yesterday, it was smaller but I think I had more fun! Dancing room helps! Plus I was wearing heels that day too! I completely forgot to pack heels for the other party. (My suitcase can only fit so much...) 

        I also went this month to a Christmas concert at my school! Their voices were all so magical! They were singing in English and Italian. I took some videos and when I figure out how to add them I will! (Maybe).... I might be to lazy too lol! I had to leave early though to go to an AFS Interculteral party then after. I ended up getting to see Noriko and Celestina again! (BTW our lessons of Italian end very soon! Meaning I will either be very thankful I dont have to worry anymore, or very upset because that means the half way point is gone...)

        So a little side note..... I have been writing this post forever.... so the weather is not great now, but its not bad either! Also I am now at my 2nd host families house.... :) Which I am having a ball! 

So MERRY CHRISTMAS or BUON NATALE! Hope you have fun! Till next time readers ! Spend your holidays like there will never be another. Because for me I will never have another in Italy! 
| § | XOXO Brystal | §| 
My new host family and I for the week!
My Host mom and host dad before they left!
I did go to see a movie this month too! Avoid the fact that this is awful....... AND I look bad LOL! 
A break in the middle for snacks is OK with me! 
I forgot to write about this! I went to a protest in Italy! 
Hello Kitty and me <3
ME! Party 1
Emi and I! 
Noemi and me!!!!
Nativity set it is HUGE
Santa's in my city :)
Went to the Theator to see "Othello!" in italian!
Shopping on my friends B-day! At a shop just like Claires !
Told you it is still green! 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

100 days

        Life goes on, and time controls it all. I feel like just yesterday I got off the plane in Roma. Now my clock gears have turned time so far ahead. Today is my 100th day in Italy! I am 1/3 % finished. I only have 306 days in Italy you know! (That's if I leave exactly on July 6)

        It's an amazing feeling to know that I have survived in a different country for so long. By myself also. I did not know anyone except 4 other girls from Pennsylvania who got the same scolarship as I did. When I arrived in New York that first day, that is really when I noticed I knew no one.

        Now four months later, I know so many people, I don't even want to count them! (Lets let facebook do that for me) A lot of the people I know are foreign also!

        It completly shocks me to know that all the Italians around me are friends. Even if we speak different languages. It really all gets down to basics, we are all oddly similar. For some reason I thought crossing an ocean I would find them more strange. With different thoughts and feelings, or looking like a different species. - I know, I know! I have seen Italians before in America, but it was all so new to me!

        What I notice is that they are just like normal people. Some even remind me of people back in America. Crazy even. If you can imagine yourself moving in your own country and adjusting well, I think you can study abroad also.

        I mean once you get past the language gap and all.... That's not even that hard to avoid. It's fun at times experiencing something new.

        100 days deserves a special something don't you think? Yea, I bought a Twix at school. Very American right there! :-) sweet loveable candy that is so hard go find overseas! Yummy!

        - Little side note, my family thinks its soo weird that I made a sunny side up egg (bubbled egg) for breakfast this morning. My host brother took pictures and all so he could laugh or make it himself. I am not sure. They also think it's soo weird that Americans eat salty food for breakfast. Bacon, buttered toast, sausage, eggs, potatoes. While I sit and want to say, "But you eat cake!"

        They handed me cake every other day this week. Like full on cake and all. Or cookies, gosh they love cookies! :) So do I, but for like dessert....

        Just remember if you ever see a foreign person, say the AFS moto, "Its not wrong, it's different!"

        At school also I got to make up my own game and teach my English class, it was really fun! It was suppose to be a joke the teacher wanted me to play on them. To "interrogate" their knowledge (like a oral quiz for all you Americans reading this) - very extremly common here - The joke was suppose to last 5 minutes of me asking really tough questions, but they wanted to continue. So we made a game out of it, and I asked them questions about America....

        For example: Who ran against Obama in last years Election. Name as many states as you can. Presidents also! What countries surround the USA <-- I was surprised when they got that one wrong. 

Ok Happy 100 to me! Till next time
| § | XOXO Brystal | § |

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Kiss Me, I'm American!

        Yes, strange title that needs explaining right? Thought so! Well today is a tradition for Exchange Students! Called Kiss an Exchange Student Day! The kids in Italy are not really doing it this year but so many others around the world are! Now! They made YouTube videos and everything! 

        November 30 = Kiss an exchange student day, worldwide! Next one on December 30th!

        Now I was open for the idea because Italians kiss on the cheek all the time! It's kinda their thing... So what's a few more going to do, kill me? Nah! It was fin really! I later saw all the pictures my exchange friend posted and thought it was a great idea! 

        Now I do not know if you tried this with the exchange student in your area, but I say that it's never to late! Because for many of you this may be the first time you heard of it. Happens each year! So go next year! Or just ask! Ok done.... 

        I also want to say thank you to all my readers! (Grazie!) (Thank you!) it has been exactly one month since I said  that I had 1 thousand page views and now I had the most ultimate surprise! I now have over 2 thousand! I can not even believe people are reading this... That's crazy!!! Also it has been such a short time to get 1 thousand more! Thank you so much everyone for taking your time and spending it with me on my adventures in Italy! I will love all of you forever! I know I am not alone :) 

        Now next on my list... Thanksgiving! It was just on Thursday! My host family does not celebrate it though, they are not American. It was adorable though to see them try to understand what it was. So instead I got asked to go to a Thanksgiving dinner with my friend from school. We will go eat with his family. I am nervous though, I completely forget everything to do with this American tradition. Besides the basic ideas. :) I am not a complete moron though, I probably remember more then I think! So I must read to remember the rest! It is tomorrow you know!

        Ok nextly, on Friday my school had a play going on. Oh my goodness was that the most strange thing I have ever been to! I liked it but did not understand like anything they said. It was because they would sing and speak SO FAST. I did not know what to do. I was also in the back. Lucky I know. Anyway this play was done but just 2 people. That's the strange part . It was about a guy going to school who did not want to do his homework... Yea that's all I got from it.... Lovely singers they were though.!.

        Also I can offically say I am in level 2 of my Italian lessons! We finished on Friday, level 1... It's like second grade all over again. I was almost afriad I would have to retake the first level. If you knew me in America you would know I failed first grade. (Evil teacher with a bent finger hated me..) So excited for second grade Italian though! 

        Also Happy Thanksgiving! (Late) and Black Friday shopping for all the Americans!

Till next time readers! | § | XOXO Brystal | § |

Once in a lifetime!

         What is it like being Abroad Brystal? This is something I get asked A LOT! From Americans and Italians. I want to enlighten you all at once. It is amazing, and I will never give this up for anything. I know now that I am doing something people just do not do. 

         Going abroad is not easy, but after awhile it feels like home. I constantly think I lived here forever and I just forgot the language or something. It could happen I suppose. Now this seems strange but, letting yourself leave for 1 year is nothing. Really I will only be gone 10 months and I start my 4th today. I am almost done. I just do not want to be done, I know that AFS (interculteral) gave me a once in a lifetime opportunity! Crazy right? 

         Now I think you should spend 5 minutes if your from the States and read this. (Or my suggestion click the middle link) This was a link from the AFS America page and I felt like it was to ridiculous not to read. I was so shocked by the things I found 

        Yea read the link and look at the picture!    -   I do not know if this with turn into a link LOL! But it is.... 

        Now if you plan on going abroad ever, just do it. That's my best advice, don't think to much about the negatives like missing school or exams. You can do those anytime. Think about how this will benefit YOU! Your family, and every person you meet! I should know, I feel like I have meet thousands of new people. Also it looks great for Colleges! People want to hire smarter people who are multiculteral! 

        Even if you are not American, think about traveling abroad. It's a tiny world and you should see it all! What better way then living somewhere new? 

        This was inspired by International Volunteer (AFS) day.... Which is today December 5th! :)
Hope you become inspired to do something amazing in your life also! Good luck!!!     

| § | XOXO Brystal | § | 
I know they are not great pictures (but check the link they are all there!)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Italian English

        So many questions I have, I just have to wait to ask. For example: "Why do Italians have to learn English?" "Why is it that on the Interculteral AFS application to study abroad, everyone had to write in English?" "Why is it that English is the important language... Everywhere!" Why can't it be Chinese?
         Now I want to explain my questions. OK 1st - Why is it that I have toured all over Lamezia school's and each one has to learn English and sometimes other languages like Latin? In America we are not forced to take a foreign language in high school unless we want to. Like I took French fo fun! So I feel like Americans are a step behind everyone else. Won't learning languages mean we can communicate with more people? Maybe it's because Americans really are lazy and do not care. But I don't think so, I think it's because everyone else is making our life easier by learning our language. This is kinda sad and I am determined to go back to America and learn as many foreign languages as I can. One step at a time right?

        My second question! It is about Interculteral AFS. The people who let you study abroad! I went through them and I thought it was kinda easy. TILL I went to an AFS meeting today and noticed that the Italians and everywhere else in the world has to take a test to be eligible to study abroad. The first one is a mental test - so to see that you are not crazy. (I understand this, but why did the Americans and Australians not have to take this, we could be crazy you know!) The second test was to test your English skills. Now I am not complaining that I did not have to take it, because I kinda stink at English, but why is it we did not take the test in a different language or something. They think we don't need it? Feeling like I got off easy compared to just about everyone else.....

        Thirdly -- English is important every where. In American I never thought about how I watched so many Hollywood movies and I did not see any foreign ones. I always though, "Oh well they are probably making their own movies and don't need ours and we don't need theirs." I was wrong. Not only do Italians watch American movies but some watch only them dubbed into Italian. Have you ever tried watching a movie where the lips do not match? Yea I have, and I get quite angry! (But *shhh* that's a secret!) I assume this is how it is for every other foreign country that does not speak English... Lots of dubbed lips....
With that last thought - MUSIC! So I was in class today and asked my friend what are some great Italian artists that sing pop. Easy question in English ... And I was alittle worried when they kept answering with English people, because that's all they knew. I did get 1... but I think it is rap, because I gave up trying to get a pop or hip-hop or dance artist out of them (thanks anyway guys!) Maybe next time? Yea in America I listened to mainly English songs about 99.5% of them at least. Not all Americans are like that but I sure was! And that has got to change.... Even if I do not understand the words I think I will feel more human. Humans are not suppose to understand everything out there, being confused is a good thing!! When people do not understand, they learn! About time I start doing that too!

      Now that I have put my questions out there, maybe someone can help me answer them?

        Also so news of Italy.... Really bad weather everywhere happened last week. Floods and a tornado. Lots of people's lives changed that week. Pray for them all! Water damage can hurt! .. I am ok, just lots of rain! But my fellow exchange students in Italy, some won't be as lucky as me. Some were placed in the mess. Good luck guys! It is over and now Italy will work together to fix it!

Not really a fun post, so I am sorry... anyway till next time Readers 
| § | XOXO Brystal | § |

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Titanic Moment!

        What have I learned in my 3 months abroad ... This is what I am asking myself. In general I feel I have learned so much I have no room left in my head. I did take in an entire culture in this time. Language included!

        Now my language skills are not as high as other people's, but doesn't the turtle win the race? With learning a language I think this may be true. I would study so hard for French in America, and only be able to keep the information in my head a short period. Why? Well I was not really learning the language, that happens over a long time. I know so many exchange students are going home stuffing everything in till their brain hurts. Guess this is alittle effective ... But not for me :-)
        My language skills in total. I kinda stink at speaking, but at least I am attempting something new. This will come with time for all you worriers out there! Secondly, my understanding skills are coming along nicely. I did read somewhere that at 3 months you should understand about 75% of what is said to you. I am more like 56%.... So it's not zero! Thirdly, writing.... Well I can write like random sentences (with mistakes of course) but it's not like I can take my own notes yet.... That would need to be its own category.... The teachers speak fast so I would have to have all my skills to understand them (bonus though, I understand my science teacher a lot!)

        I also started writing my graduation project! For all you who do not know what that is, let me explain to your wandering souls! It is a project for my school (and many others) that you have to complete or you do not pass high school-can't graduate. Which I do not want to happen. So you have to put 30 hours towards something of your choice. Many people go the easy route and volunteer somewhere. (Elderly home, soup kitchen, dog shelter...) Then you have to keep a fancy "log of hours" even get it signed each time. Also a reflection log.... So to reflect on what you have learned and what were the hardest parts. Now for most people this is easy. Done and done. I am one to always think of the hardest ideas.... Ready for mine?

        Yea, I will help foreign people (Italian) learn to speak English more easily! Wow... This is great, but not as easy as you would think. Some of the classes I attend are really good in English, some are so bad I speak really slow and use small words. I am hoping that me spending time with them (logging hours) they will get used to what English should sound like. They are great with reciting things from the books though. BUT when it comes to conversations, some do not even know where to begin! I won't judge you, I want to help you! I am here for that, I would much rather you come to me and stink so badly, and learn then go on pretending you know what your saying....

        So yes that was addressed to the Italians who read this. (Thanks Google translate) Now for all seriousness, this is my graduation project. I am learning so much and teaching so much. It is somewhat of an amazing feeling knowing you have helped out hundreds of people. I hope I can help more-7 months....

        Now I attend 6 hours of English a week. But I do not add all those hours to my log unless I did something in class for a long period of time. If I added them all I would have been done weeks ago.

        Ok what else have I learned... Yes the culture! Italians have such an intense Culture and lifestyle. Before coming here I sat through many orientations where they would talk about an "iceberg." How an iceberg is similar to what we would be going through....

        Explaining time! (Don't we all love these?!?!) Thought so :) .... So if you have ever seen the Titanic you would know the ship sank. Yes, but why? Because of a giant ICEBERG! The watchers could only see the top, they did not know what was in-store for them when it came to what's underwater. This is basically the concept of the "iceberg" in studing abroad. There are some things we can see. (Music, clothes, food) and something's we do not see (family styles, the hating between the North and South Italy) so many.... Now I came into Italy with what my eyes could see. Now I am starting to learn more about the culture under the water. It really is lovely, they do not even know how rich everything is.

        Oh little side note: went to my friends house (Emi) and I cooked for the first time in Italy!!! A little late I would say, but it was amazing! (This will be in my November catch up)- but it applied to me learning something new! Gosh I see fireworks dancing in my eyes! I have been wanting to cook for 3 months now in Italy! ...

        Ok readers... Know reading is good for you and all that helpful stuff. Learn new words and all and I will see you back soon!

| § | XOXO Brystal | § |

Monday, November 25, 2013

Italian Art

        I notice the the Italians in my school do not have a wide range of Art Classes that are fun. So they never really learn how to express themselves that way, unless they do it on their own.... I know for me I would die! So this post is about the art I do find around Lamezia!

        Be warned this will be mainly pictures! How better to explain then show you?!?

Till next blog readers, love you all!  
| § | XOXO Brystals | § |
Store I saw!
Paintings on the street!
number 2
number 3
number 4 (my favorite!)
Just know these are all ON MY SCHOOL WALLS..... like wow....
What does this mean?
Who has the time!?!
Faces are hard to draw... try spray-painting them!
Wonder what he is looking as?...
Reminds me of Batman.....why?
LOVE the green tooth!
My schools nickname (Scienti) this was made at a school dance and approved to do!
Front of my school
What we learned in Art Class today.... how to draw this thing....
Other art class lesson...
I know how to draw a cone now!- my friends BTW!