
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Italian English

        So many questions I have, I just have to wait to ask. For example: "Why do Italians have to learn English?" "Why is it that on the Interculteral AFS application to study abroad, everyone had to write in English?" "Why is it that English is the important language... Everywhere!" Why can't it be Chinese?
         Now I want to explain my questions. OK 1st - Why is it that I have toured all over Lamezia school's and each one has to learn English and sometimes other languages like Latin? In America we are not forced to take a foreign language in high school unless we want to. Like I took French fo fun! So I feel like Americans are a step behind everyone else. Won't learning languages mean we can communicate with more people? Maybe it's because Americans really are lazy and do not care. But I don't think so, I think it's because everyone else is making our life easier by learning our language. This is kinda sad and I am determined to go back to America and learn as many foreign languages as I can. One step at a time right?

        My second question! It is about Interculteral AFS. The people who let you study abroad! I went through them and I thought it was kinda easy. TILL I went to an AFS meeting today and noticed that the Italians and everywhere else in the world has to take a test to be eligible to study abroad. The first one is a mental test - so to see that you are not crazy. (I understand this, but why did the Americans and Australians not have to take this, we could be crazy you know!) The second test was to test your English skills. Now I am not complaining that I did not have to take it, because I kinda stink at English, but why is it we did not take the test in a different language or something. They think we don't need it? Feeling like I got off easy compared to just about everyone else.....

        Thirdly -- English is important every where. In American I never thought about how I watched so many Hollywood movies and I did not see any foreign ones. I always though, "Oh well they are probably making their own movies and don't need ours and we don't need theirs." I was wrong. Not only do Italians watch American movies but some watch only them dubbed into Italian. Have you ever tried watching a movie where the lips do not match? Yea I have, and I get quite angry! (But *shhh* that's a secret!) I assume this is how it is for every other foreign country that does not speak English... Lots of dubbed lips....
With that last thought - MUSIC! So I was in class today and asked my friend what are some great Italian artists that sing pop. Easy question in English ... And I was alittle worried when they kept answering with English people, because that's all they knew. I did get 1... but I think it is rap, because I gave up trying to get a pop or hip-hop or dance artist out of them (thanks anyway guys!) Maybe next time? Yea in America I listened to mainly English songs about 99.5% of them at least. Not all Americans are like that but I sure was! And that has got to change.... Even if I do not understand the words I think I will feel more human. Humans are not suppose to understand everything out there, being confused is a good thing!! When people do not understand, they learn! About time I start doing that too!

      Now that I have put my questions out there, maybe someone can help me answer them?

        Also so news of Italy.... Really bad weather everywhere happened last week. Floods and a tornado. Lots of people's lives changed that week. Pray for them all! Water damage can hurt! .. I am ok, just lots of rain! But my fellow exchange students in Italy, some won't be as lucky as me. Some were placed in the mess. Good luck guys! It is over and now Italy will work together to fix it!

Not really a fun post, so I am sorry... anyway till next time Readers 
| § | XOXO Brystal | § |

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