
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Titanic Moment!

        What have I learned in my 3 months abroad ... This is what I am asking myself. In general I feel I have learned so much I have no room left in my head. I did take in an entire culture in this time. Language included!

        Now my language skills are not as high as other people's, but doesn't the turtle win the race? With learning a language I think this may be true. I would study so hard for French in America, and only be able to keep the information in my head a short period. Why? Well I was not really learning the language, that happens over a long time. I know so many exchange students are going home stuffing everything in till their brain hurts. Guess this is alittle effective ... But not for me :-)
        My language skills in total. I kinda stink at speaking, but at least I am attempting something new. This will come with time for all you worriers out there! Secondly, my understanding skills are coming along nicely. I did read somewhere that at 3 months you should understand about 75% of what is said to you. I am more like 56%.... So it's not zero! Thirdly, writing.... Well I can write like random sentences (with mistakes of course) but it's not like I can take my own notes yet.... That would need to be its own category.... The teachers speak fast so I would have to have all my skills to understand them (bonus though, I understand my science teacher a lot!)

        I also started writing my graduation project! For all you who do not know what that is, let me explain to your wandering souls! It is a project for my school (and many others) that you have to complete or you do not pass high school-can't graduate. Which I do not want to happen. So you have to put 30 hours towards something of your choice. Many people go the easy route and volunteer somewhere. (Elderly home, soup kitchen, dog shelter...) Then you have to keep a fancy "log of hours" even get it signed each time. Also a reflection log.... So to reflect on what you have learned and what were the hardest parts. Now for most people this is easy. Done and done. I am one to always think of the hardest ideas.... Ready for mine?

        Yea, I will help foreign people (Italian) learn to speak English more easily! Wow... This is great, but not as easy as you would think. Some of the classes I attend are really good in English, some are so bad I speak really slow and use small words. I am hoping that me spending time with them (logging hours) they will get used to what English should sound like. They are great with reciting things from the books though. BUT when it comes to conversations, some do not even know where to begin! I won't judge you, I want to help you! I am here for that, I would much rather you come to me and stink so badly, and learn then go on pretending you know what your saying....

        So yes that was addressed to the Italians who read this. (Thanks Google translate) Now for all seriousness, this is my graduation project. I am learning so much and teaching so much. It is somewhat of an amazing feeling knowing you have helped out hundreds of people. I hope I can help more-7 months....

        Now I attend 6 hours of English a week. But I do not add all those hours to my log unless I did something in class for a long period of time. If I added them all I would have been done weeks ago.

        Ok what else have I learned... Yes the culture! Italians have such an intense Culture and lifestyle. Before coming here I sat through many orientations where they would talk about an "iceberg." How an iceberg is similar to what we would be going through....

        Explaining time! (Don't we all love these?!?!) Thought so :) .... So if you have ever seen the Titanic you would know the ship sank. Yes, but why? Because of a giant ICEBERG! The watchers could only see the top, they did not know what was in-store for them when it came to what's underwater. This is basically the concept of the "iceberg" in studing abroad. There are some things we can see. (Music, clothes, food) and something's we do not see (family styles, the hating between the North and South Italy) so many.... Now I came into Italy with what my eyes could see. Now I am starting to learn more about the culture under the water. It really is lovely, they do not even know how rich everything is.

        Oh little side note: went to my friends house (Emi) and I cooked for the first time in Italy!!! A little late I would say, but it was amazing! (This will be in my November catch up)- but it applied to me learning something new! Gosh I see fireworks dancing in my eyes! I have been wanting to cook for 3 months now in Italy! ...

        Ok readers... Know reading is good for you and all that helpful stuff. Learn new words and all and I will see you back soon!

| § | XOXO Brystal | § |

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